As a group fully aware of global issues, whether ecological or social, JJA is committed to the continuous improvement of its environmental and societal responsibilities.
This is more than mere words, but rather a genuine corporate project supported by the General Management and which has been overseen since 2020 by our CSR manager.
This endeavour has been named The Good Living Project.

For over 45 years, we've been true to one simple mission: making cutting-edge design, quality and innovation affordable to as many people as possible.
Being proud of one’s home goes now with more responsible choices that respect human beings and the environment. That's why we're adding a new dimension to our company's mission.
We are truly convinced that, all together with JJA’s employees, suppliers, distributors, partners and consumers, we can be the co-creators of more sustainable homes.
Our 4 pillars
To structure this approach and achieve our objectives, we rely on 4 strong and identifiable pillars.
Each pillar guides us on a daily basis in setting up and carrying out our various actions:
- Protect our planet, by increasing our proportion of eco-designed products and reduce Greenhouse gases emissions.
- Encourage more responsible consumption, by designing systems and solutions to help our clients and customers consume more responsibly.
- Leverage human potential in our value chain, by ensuring that all relations along the value chain are underpinned by ethics and JJA’s core values.
- Work with and for our communities, by encouraging solidarity through partnerships that fit with the identity of each of our brands.
Discover our 10 levers for improvement over the following pages as well as some of our actions that illustrate them.

Design from the outset products that are responsible and have a positive impact.
Our products embody our commitments. Quality is at the heart of our development processes and at each stage of our products’ life cycles we reduce their environmental impact, both in terms of climate and biodiversity. We use renewable and sustainable materials, optimizing freight and ensuring recyclability.

With R.O.W, Atmosphera gives a second life to waste!
Atmosphera’s range R.O.W. - for Recycle Our Waste - are made entirely from recycled PET bottles.

Work on creating an innovative industrial system that reflects our commitments in our value chain.
Together with all of our supplier partners, freight carriers and distributors, we seek state-of-the-art solutions for our manufacturing facilities (sites and processes) that fit with our sustainable development goals. We work with them to achieve the principal sustainability standards, notably in terms of industrial ecology.

Suppliers committed to more sustainable factories
In 2016, the historical supplier of Hesperide for Certeli and Madeira gazebos and Loompa parasols voluntarily invested in a wastewater treatment plant on its site to treat wastewater before it is discharged into the public network. The water treatment capacity is 1000 tons/day. Its factories have been ISO 14 001 certified since March 2008.

Take action on a daily basis to reduce our environmental impact.
Every day we take action to reduce our environmental footprint, from the amount of water and energy we use through to the waste we generate and our CO2 emissions. We apply a holistic approach to this, along our entire value chain, covering areas ranging from infrastructure (buildings and IT) and operations, through to our logistics networks.

A “sustainable” headquarters
JJA's new headquarter, located close to the Bourget airport, meet the BREEAM* Construction standards, level VERY GOOD: materials of local origin, such as aggregates from the Marne region, water consumption optimization (rainwater recovery, automatic cut-off of water for sanitary use with presence detector) and energy consumption (centralised technical management, LED lighting, insulation of facades and roofs).
* Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

Initiate responsible consumer attitudes among our clients and customers.
Our aim is to help our clients and customers make fully-informed choices by providing useful information about our products, in a straightforward, easy-to-see format, both in showrooms and at our sale sites.

Hespéride, a brand committed to forests
The latest Hesperide collection offers a selection of furniture made from FSC® certified acacia and bamboo. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an NGO that promotes responsible management of the world's forests that is ecologically appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable.
Like everyone else in the manufacturing chain, we guarantee the traceability of these sustainably-managed materials.
With these first Emperia and Tinaei lines, our design teams have affirmed our commitment to these channels.

Take part in the circular economy within our ecosystem.
Whenever possible, we extend the lives of our products by using our after sales services to relay to clients and customers that our products can be repaired.
Together with all of our partners we want to develop an ecosystem that encourages a transparent circular economy so that each link in the chain can see the results of their actions.
Going forward, we also intend to forge partnerships with the key players in our industry, and to revamp our sales and distribution systems.

The possibility of a second life
- Recycling of our IT equipment by people on integration programmes with the organisation “Ateliers sans Frontières”, part of the ARES* group, the leading player in integration through economic activity in Ile-de-France region.
- Hespéride is partnering with Dépôt Bingo to support Emmaüs. In the Clermontois region, items of furniture identified as unsaleable on receipt are occasionally donated to Emmaüs. Depending on their needs, Abbé Pierre's disciples use them to equip their community premises or to enrich their shops' offering.
*Association pour la Réinsertion Economique et Sociale

Promote the Group’s core values within our ecosystem and make sure they are respected.
JJA’s core values – ethics, performance and innovation – foster a culture of integrity and expertise that respects our stakeholders. As part of our strategy to put people at the heart of our business, we promote practices that respect everyone who contributes to our value chain, both within and outside the Group.

Respecting the Code... and the law
Fight against corruption with the adoption of a Code of Conduct that is in line with our corporate objectives.
What is the role of this document? To be, for each person, on a daily basis, a common thread that contributes to the adoption and implementation of knowledge and know-how in line with the group's values.

Promote and develop our expertise.
Our business requires a wide range of expertise, from the design of our offerings through to the manufacture and shipping of our products. We nurture and reward creative potential and encourage autonomy and empowerment along our entire value chain.

Basketry, a unique craft
Basketry is a craft that is as old as human kind, and has been with people all over the world through all eras and continents.
The manufacturing stages and the unique expertise have remained identical over the course of the centuries. It is essential to preserve this heritage today, and this is why JJA is committed to suppliers whose desire is to preserve this type of craft expertise.

Create a respectful working environment that fosters workplace wellness.
The working environment, employee health and safety and respect for human rights are crucial elements for ensuring the workplace wellness of all the people we work with and are key drivers of performance and collaborative innovation. JJA makes sure that it always respects the fundamental rights and international conventions related to human rights, as well as the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) which apply in all countries.

No boundaries for improving working conditions
Since 2014, the JJA Group has been a member of the international organisation Amfori and supports its BSCI* initiative to improve the social conditions of workers at consumer product manufacturing plants.

Contribute to and support economic and social development in the regions and communities in which we operate.
Our business activities energize the areas where we operate. We believe it is important to invest in the social economy by setting up strong partnerships and projects that underscore the Group’s desire to build long-term committed relations with local communities to help create a more caring and engaged world.

On board with Planète Mer
JJA supports Planète Mer's actions. This organisation works to preserve the oceans and raise awareness in citizens about the future of the coast. It develops programmes that aim for long-lasting balance between marine life and human activities.
In the context of this partnership, JJA wants to contribute to the preservation of marine biodiversity. This commitment feeds into the Group's reflection on its impact on the oceans and enables it to identify areas for progress and practical solutions

Share the CSR expertise of our businesses to intensify the impact of our solutions.
As a Group committed to CSR, we transparently share our experience and best practices with all of our stakeholders and future generations so that we can work together to fully embed such practices and breed new ideas and talents.
Sharing is at the heart of our concernsJJA is a committee member of the “ecological transition” Club ETI Ile-de-France (supported by the Ile-de-France region), which allows it to share its expertise with its peers | ![]() |